I have two accounts in Paytm, how can I have a single account with combined balance?

My Account
I have two accounts in Paytm. One account has mobile number 9876543210 and email address testemail1@gmail.com. Other account has mobile number 9988776655 and email address testemail2@gmail.com. Can I have an account with mobile number 9876543210 and email address testemail1@gmail.com?

We do not have this feature on App. Please user Paytm.com website for this feature.

Now you can merge your accounts without any hassle at Paytm.com and also choose the account details you want to keep.

  1. Visit Paytm.com
  2. Click on ‘Log In/ Sign Up’ on the top-right corner of the page
  3. Log in to your account with mobile number 9876543210
  4. Click on your name on the top-right corner of the page
  5. Click ‘View Profile’ below your name
  6. Click on ‘Edit Profile’
  7. Replace your email address testemail1@gmail.com with testemail2@gmail.com
  8. Enter the OTP sent to your mobile number 9876543210
  9. A verification link will be sent to your updated email address testemail2@gmail.com. Go to your email account and click the link sent on email from Paytm within 48 hours
  10. Click on “Yes I did” in the screen that appears
  11. Answer the security questions and click on “Merge accounts”
  12. You will be given an option to choose between the mobile numbers 9876543210 and 998877665Choose “9876543210”
  13. Your balances from both the accounts will be added and your account details are updated with mobile number as 9876543210 and email address testemail2@gmail.com

Note: This feature is currently available on Paytm website only. You will not be able to access this feature on Paytm Mobile App.