how can i check if the website is fraud or not

Privacy & Security
How can I check if the website is fraud or not?

A web-address which looks OK might not be a legitimate site. Following measures may help you identify if the URL is legitimate.

  • Incorrect or incomplete company name: e.g. spelling error like or is not same as
  • Before entering any information, make sure your browser is showing the padlock symbol next to the address bar and that the address starts with https://. Without these signs, there’s no guarantee of security or encryption of your details.
  • Cheap-looking sites – Fake sites masquerading as big brands don’t necessarily have the time and investment dedicated to them as the real thing.
  • Do your research – If you haven’t used a website before, check its credentials. Search for alternative contact details such as address or phone number – if in doubt, call them first.
  • Trust your instincts – If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. If you ever feel a site isn’t legitimate, don’t enter any personal information, and leave immediately.
  • Be wary – If a site you regularly visit seems different, double check that it’s the real site.
  • Update your software – Your internet browser includes security functions which can help spot sites masquerading as trusted sites, and can even tell you before you arrive that the site is a fake. Check that the security options are enabled in your browser.